Donnerstag, 20. September 2012

Titkellem bil-Malti ?

Maltesisch fuer Anfaenger

How to Introduce Yourself

Do you speak (English/ Maltese)?Titkellem (bl-Ingliz/ bil-Malti)?
Just a little.Ftit.
What's your name?X’ jismek?
My name is ...Jien jisimni …
Mr.../ Mrs.…/ Miss…Sur../Sinjura…/Sinjorina…/
Nice to meet you!Ghandi pjacir!
You're very kind!Int gentili!
Where are you from?Minn fejn int?
I'm from (the U.S/ Malta)Jien minn (l-Amerika/ Malta)
I'm (American)Jien Amerikan
Where do you live?Fejn toqghod?
I live in (the U.S/ Malta)Noqghod (l-Amerika/ Malta)
Did you like it here?Ghogbok hawn?
Malta is a wonderful countryMalta pajjiz sabih hafna.
What do you do for a living?X’ taghmel fil-hajja?
I work as a (translator/ businessman)Nahdem bhala (translator/ negozjant)
I like MalteseInhobb il-Malti
I've been learning Maltese for 1 monthIlni nitghallem il-Malti ghal xahar
Oh! That's good!Isa! Tajjeb!
How old are you?Kemm ghandek zmien?
I'm (twenty, thirty...) years old.Ghandi (ghoxrin, tletin..) sena.
I have to goHa jkolli mmur
I will be right back!Ha nerga nigi
Wish Someone Something
Good luck!Good Luck!
Happy birthday!Happy Birthday!
Happy new year!Is-sena t-tajba
Merry Christmas!Il-Milied it-tajjeb
Enjoy! (for meals...)Gawdi!
I'd like to visit Malta one dayNixtieq inzur Malta xi darba.
Say hi to John for meSellili ghal John
Bless you (when sneezing)Evviva
Good night and sweet dreams!Il-lejl it-tajjeb u ohlom sabih
Solving a Misunderstanding
I'm Sorry! (if you don't hear something)Skuzi!
Sorry (for a mistake)Skuzani
No Problem!Mhux problema
Can You Say It Again?Tista terga tirrepeti?
Can You Speak Slowly?Tista titkellem bilmod?
Write It Down Please!Iktibha jekk joghgbok
I Don't Understand!Mhux nifhem!
I Don't Know!Ma nafx!
I Have No Idea.M’ ghandix idea.
What's That Called In Maltese?Kif tghidha bil-Malti?
What Does "gato" Mean In English?Xi tfisser “lingua” bl-ingliz?
How Do You Say "Please" In Maltese?Kif tghid “please” bil-Malti?
What Is This?Dan x’ inhu?
My Maltese is bad.Il-Malti tieghi huwa hazing
I need to practice my MalteseGhandi bzonn nipprattika l-Malti
Don't worry!Tinkwietax
Maltese Expressions and Words
Good/ Bad/ So-So.Tajjeb/ Hazin/ Imsomma
Big/ SmallKbir/ zghir
Today/ NowIllum/ Issa
Tomorrow/ YesterdayGhada/ Ilbierah
Yes/ NoIva/ le
Here you go! (when giving something)Ha!
Do you like it?Ghogbok?
I really like it!Ghogbitni hafna!
I'm hungry/ thirsty.Ghandi l-guh/ Ghandi l-ghatx
In The Morning/ Evening/ At Night.Filghodu/ Filghaxija/ Bil-lejl
This/ That. Here/ThereDin/ Dak. Hawn/ hemm
Me/ You. Him/ Her.Jien/ Int. Hu/ Hi
Hurry up!Aghggel!
What? Where?Xiex? Fejn?
What time is it?X’ hin hu?
It's 10 o'clock. 07:30pm.L-ghaxra. Is-sebgha u nofs ta’ filghaxija.
Give me this!Tini dan!
I love you!Inhobbok!
I feel sick.Ma niflahx
I need a doctorGhandi bzonn tabib

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